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Regardless of whether your home is a compact apartment or an expansive mansion, the concept of space is always at play. It may seem that a property has a finite amount of potential capacity and this is, largely, true. However, within these boundaries, there is a great degree of customisation and optimisation that can dramatically change the space of a home, as well as how spacious it feels.

This pursuit of space is an important tenet of interior design. Many will piece together living spaces with storage and space in mind, knowing that the many benefits include comfort and even stress relief. To show you exactly how this can occur, as well as how your own home can see its space optimised, here are three ways the experts say your living space can be expanded.

Light & Mirrors

You may have heard that mirrors help a room to feel spacious, as well as that they trick the mind into believing the reflected reality is a part of a home’s living space. While this is true to a certain degree, the real benefit of mirrors involves their ability to reflect light.

Lighting is a home’s best visual asset for manipulating space. Those rooms with large windows and an abundance of natural light will feel bigger and brighter, with a restorative glow that only comes from sunlight. This is not, however, to say that artificial light isn’t also valuable. In fact, lamps and spotlights can play a major role in cultivating the sense of space in a room, steering the gaze into areas of emptiness and adding verticality to a room’s appearance.

Create More Floor

The concept of floor is a powerful one within homes. Floor plans are a key factor in a home’s advertising and generally correlate with a property’s value. The ability to create more can also be very simple too, with homes needing only extensions, log cabins, and attic conversions to see their value and functionality rise considerably.

Creating more floor in a home can be challenging due to the time and money needed to create an entirely new living space in a home. However, in the long run, the value that comes from such a renovation is proven to be a wise investment for almost every homeowner.

Make It Move

Modern furniture designs are increasingly modular. This means that a greater amount of furniture and home decor is designed for adaptability, meeting the needs of contemporary homes that see residents work, relax, cook, exercise, and create all in a single living space. And, as many urban homes become smaller, there is a greater call for designs that allow rooms to have multiple purposes.

A small home, however, isn’t a requirement for modular furniture and many larger homes also make use of adjustable assets because they free up a great deal of space around the home. Offices, for example, can be compacted or concealed when not in use so as not to impose a sense of work on a personal living space.

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